Mutual Fund Calculator

The mutual fund calculator is designed to compute the estimated returns and future value on one-time or monthly mutual fund investments.

Invested Amount
Future Value
Invested Amount
Future Value

What is Mutual Fund Calculator?

The mutual fund calculator is a free financial tool where you can easily determine how much money you will earn on your investment after a period of time. Also, it gives you the ability to check for a one-time lumpsum investment or monthly SIP investment.

Mutual Fund Calculator

How to Use the Mutual Fund Calculator?

  1. First of all, choose the calculation type between "SIP" or "LumpSum".
  2. Now enter the investment amount. If you choose SIP, it will ask for a monthly investment amount. And if you choose LumpSum, it will ask for a total or one-time investment amount.
  3. After that, enter the expected return rate (per annum) in percentage and total investment duration or holding period in years.
  4. To get the final result, just press the "Calculate" button. And finally, you will get the total earnings or gains and future/maturity value on your screen.
  5. For re-calculation, just press the "Reset" button.

Mutual Fund Calculation Formula

Our calculator uses the following formulas to show results.

For One-time or Lumpsum Investment:

M =  P × (1 +  
) n

M = Maturity value
P = Total invested amount
R = Estimated rate of return (%)
n = Duration of investment (in years)

For SIP Investment:

M =  
P × ((1 + R)n - 1) × (1 + R)

M = Maturity value
P = Investment amount per month
R = Rate of return (per month)
n = Investment duration (in months)